We are currently 100% Huacayas.
About 95% of alpacas in the UK, the same percentage as throughout the world, are huacayas, which are the best known, and are the fluffy alpacas.
About 2–4 kilos of fleece average can be produced by a high quality alpaca each year, with outstanding animals producing 5–7 kilos of fleece per annum.
Unlike sheep, alpacas do not have lanolin in their fleece. About 50% of the total fleece weight an alpaca produces in best quality blanket fibre. Selective breeding at Puzzle Tree Alpacas is steadily increasing the percentage.
We have invested in state of the art facilities to grow, monitor and manage our alpacas in the healthiest way possible.
The farm consists of 20 acres of pasture which is divided into paddocks.
Our 20m long barn comprises of housing pens for sick and vulnerable stock over winter, stud breeding pens, a raceway with weigh scales and husbandry handling pens.
Our farm office, bathroom and show room is also housed in the barn.
Pant y trwyn Farm offers a wonderful facility to comfortably view and select stock in all weather.